My little guy is getting big and is still super active! He's already head down (but he's got plenty of room to change position if he wants to). He's been hanging out with his head in my left hip and his little feet in my right ribs!! He also likes to try and stretch while in this position which is getting uncomfortable for me, however, he appears to enjoy it very much!!
So here's what the website What To Expect says is going on with me and Jesse in week 28...
Week 28 of Pregnancy
Your baby has started blinking and dreaming while you may be dreaming that the pain in your derriere will disappear!
Your Baby in Week 28 of Pregnancy
Your baby is settling into the proper position for birth, with his head facing downward (toward your body's nearest exit!). Your little work in progress is now about 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long. He's busy adding new skills such as blinking to an already impressive repertoire of tricks like coughing, sucking, hiccuping, and taking practice breaths. Your baby's sleep now includes the REM (rapid eye movement) phase — and that means he could be dreaming already (what do you suppose he's dreaming about?).Learn more about your baby this week and fetal brain activity.
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