2nd trimester: Week 25 - Parenting.com
Your Pregnancy: Week 25
The fetus's legs and feet, framed by the mother's pelvis
© The Anatomical Travelogue
Your Baby
This week, your baby weighs approximately 1 1/2 pounds. His heart is beating so loudly that anyone who presses an ear to your belly can hear it. His lungs are getting ready to take their first breath, and, though the sex of your baby was determined long ago, genital differentiation is now becoming complete. He can make a fist and reach his feet, and he may already exhibit a preference for his left or right hand.
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Your Body
You're already a soccer mom, so to speak, in that youruterus is now about the size of a soccer ball. During the day, you're juggling the many tasks related to the baby's arrival, including touring hospitals, ordering equipment, and going for checkups, but you're just as busy at night, when vivid and lengthy dreams take center stage.
Do's and Don'ts
Do keep a water bottle handy and drink from it frequently. Staying hydrated prevents swelling in your hands and feet, which is common at this stage, especially when it's hot and humid. If your hands and face seem unusually puffy or if swelling comes on suddenly, check in with your health care provider. You'll want to rule out preeclampsia, a potentially dangerous health condition that can occur during pregnancy.
Your Pregnant Body:
Planning a vacation before the baby comes? Be sure to schedule any flights for before your 36th week, which is the cutoff for most airlines. (If you're at risk for preterm labor your doctor or midwife may ground you even earlier.) Experts have linked sitting still during long flights to the formation of potentially harmful blood clots -- so be sure to stand up and stretch your legs often. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
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