Man time is flying by so quickly. Jesse is due in about 6 weeks! He's still moving like crazy, however, he's not really kicking so much as just rolling and moving. He's been head down for several weeks and likes to keep his butt slightly to the left and his feet right up under my right ribs! When he decides to really get moving you can see my whole tummy move and jump. I've also noticed that he's been getting the hiccups a lot lately, which is pretty cute, unless I'm trying to sleep!
As for me I've been doing well in spite of being pregnant - lol! My pulled tendon or whatever it is was getting better but I think I tweaked it again. Oh and I think I messed up another one right by my hip when I didn't lean forward to sneeze (trust me that was NO fun). I've also been dealing with sinus issues and having to do a nasal drain at least once a day in order to breath at all at night. I've recently resorted to sleeping with an ice pack on my face to help my sinuses stay clear. My average wake up time the last week has been around 3 a.m. at which point I toss and turn, maybe doze a bit but inevitably wake up and get out of bed around 5 a.m.
In other news we have actually begun working on Jesse's baby room A.K.A the office!! So now the desk is out of there as well as all of the junk! We put together the play yard (Jesse's bed until he's ready to sleep in a crib) and the glider (yay!!) and set up the stroller and the car seat. It's nothing much now, more like part of a room filled with baby stuff, but we're making progress.
I spared you all the before pictures...too embarrassing - lol!
I love that glider! Now when I'm up super early I can go sit in the glider instead of laying in bed for hours!
The whole wall on the left side of the room is covered in book shelves so nothing can go on that side. The wall that is beside the glider is a sliding glass door that leads to the back yard so nothing much can go there either.
As you can see we don't have the crib yet and there isn't much room. The crib will actually go in front of the closet where the play yard currently is. The desk chairs will be gone of course. We plan on getting those square shelves where you put the baskets inside to store Jesse's clothes.