Guess who's a month old already...that's right little Jesse Mitchell!! I knew he'd grow up fast and even cried about it the first week (can you believe I cried about my baby growing up fast in the first week??) when I was all hormonal still!
So what is Jesse up to now that he's a month old?? Well besides being much bigger and heavier...

So what is Jesse up to now that he's a month old?? Well besides being much bigger and heavier...
- Jesse is almost too big for his newborn clothes. He can barely straighten his legs and if it snaps around his belly, well then it barely snaps!
- He can hold his head up all on his own
- Still can't keep the binky in his mouth for very long
- Has discovered his hands and just today has been able to keep them in his mouth for more than a few seconds
- His movements have become less jerky and more smooth
- He likes to push up with his legs and try to stand while you hold his chest
- Has slept through the night twice already!!
- Is on an eat/wake/sleep schedule (and sticks to it better than Mommy ever does!)
- Loves bath time and kicks his little legs like a pro swimmer
- Still has blueish grey eyes
- Sleeps in his pack n play right next to Mommy's side of the bed
- Loves his new mobile that hangs over his bed (he used to get very angry when his old mobile would stop after a few seconds...darn dancing bears had to be fired!!)
- Endures tummy time without a fuss
- Loves to look at himself in the mirror
My list could go on forever but you get the gist...he's growing up!