Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy 1 Month Jesse!!

Guess who's a month old already...that's right little Jesse Mitchell!!  I knew he'd grow up fast and even cried about it the first week (can you believe I cried about my baby growing up fast in the first week??) when I was all hormonal still!

So what is Jesse up to now that he's a month old??  Well besides being much bigger and heavier...

  • Jesse is almost too big for his newborn clothes.  He can barely straighten his legs and if it snaps around his belly, well then it barely snaps!
  • He can hold his head up all on his own
  • Still can't keep the binky in his mouth for very long 
  • Has discovered his hands and just today has been able to keep them in his mouth for more than a few seconds
  • His movements have become less jerky and more smooth
  • He likes to push up with his legs and try to stand while you hold his chest
  • Has slept through the night twice already!!  
  • Is on an eat/wake/sleep schedule (and sticks to it better than Mommy ever does!)
  • Loves bath time and kicks his little legs like a pro swimmer
  • Still has blueish grey eyes
  • Sleeps in his pack n play right next to Mommy's side of the bed
  • Loves his new mobile that hangs over his bed (he used to get very angry when his old mobile would stop after a few seconds...darn dancing bears had to be fired!!)
  • Endures tummy time without a fuss
  • Loves to look at himself in the mirror
My list could go on forever but you get the gist...he's growing up!

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

What a big boy!

So here are some of Jesse's long awaited stats (His 6 week appointment is in 2 weeks so we'll see how big he's gotten then!!):

March 26, 2011
7 lbs 14 oz
20.5 in long (I was mistaken about the 21.5)

March 27, 2011
7 lbs. 4 oz.
(this was the morning after a very long and difficult night trying to feed Jesse.  On this day we had to finger feed him because he was not eating enough and was extremely dehydrated.  He was so dehydrated that the midwife could not do his PKU (where they poke his foot and try to fill all these circles on a card with blood).  She was only able to get a few drops of blood and had to poke his foot 4 times!!

March 28, 2011
7lbs 5 oz.
(this morning I had to go see the lactation consultant to see how Jesse was eating)

March 30, 2011
7lbs. 7oz.
20.5 in. long
36 cm. head circumference
Rated a 12 for Jaundice (very low on the scale)
(Jesse's first doctor's appointment)

April 4, 2011
8lbs 1oz
21 in. long
36.8 cm head circumference
(Jesse got circumcised!  My little trooper didn't even cry and Mommy was brave and stayed in the room to hold the little guy's hand!!)

April 13, 2011
9 lbs 6 oz. (70th percentile)
21 in. long (60th percentile)
37.9 cm head circumference (70th percentile)
(We got Thrush and have to take Ginsen Violet to treat it...notice his purple lips)

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

The stork dropped him off...

It has been some time since I posted anything about Jesse or myself and that is because as you know, Jesse has arrived and as you may not know, Mommy has taken some time to adjust!!

I began having contractions March 25 at 3 a.m.  They weren't strong contractions but definitely noticeable.  I had been slacking off on getting Jesse's room ready so I used that as a means to distract myself from the pain of the contractions.  I pretty much cleaned up his whole room in that one morning.

By afternoon the contractions started getting stronger and I was so ready for Jesse to be here!  Joe and I decided to go to Fred Meyers so that I could do laps and hopefully get the little guy to drop and allow the labor to progress.  The people there must have thought we were crazy!  Here's this huge pregnant woman literally looking like she's ready to pop stopping every few minutes for contractions!!  Lol!!

Well by 6pm the contractions were very strong and getting closer together.  Joe called the birth center and we decided to stay at home for a couple more hours.  By 9pm we called again and were on our way.  When I arrived I was dilated 4cm and my cervix was effaced about 80% and was very soft.  I was Group B Strep positive so I had to be given antibiotics through an IV.  After the IV was hooked up the fun began!

I was able to try just about every method imaginable to manage the pain (minus the drugs).  I was in the shower, the tub, on the bed, on the toilet, doing squats, on my hands and knees, and laying on my side.  It was pretty amazing that I was actually able to fall asleep immediately after a contraction, be passed out for a minute and wake up for the next round!

I honestly cannot say what the worst part of labor is; each part has it's very own awfulness.  I can say that the hardest part though was the very end when I finally felt the urge to push.  By this time it was already March 26 early in the morning.  I ended up on the bed because I was so exhausted and could no longer squat.  This was the only point where I really felt as though I could not do it.  It was so hard and so painful and I was terrified that I would tear!  I was beginning to get discouraged because I would feel the urge to push and then feel Jesse move further down.  I would stop pushing and then feel him move back up.  I felt as though I was losing all the progress I had just made.  The last push was the hardest and most painful!

As soon as Jesse came out I started crying like a big baby!  I don't know if it was excitement over him finally being here and me finally getting to meet him or over the fact that the pain was over!  Probably a little bit of both!

In all I'd have to say that giving birth to Jesse at a birth center was an amazing experience.  I cannot imagine doing it at a hospital!  My midwife and her birth assistant were wonderful and Joe was and awesome coach (I don't know if I could have done it without him!!).  I'm still amazed that I was able to have him without any drugs!!  It blows my mind still today.  This was without a doubt one of the most difficult things that I've ever done and now that I'm feeling better I can say that I wouldn't mind more kids in the future!

The stork dropped off a perfectly healthy, beautiful little boy!  Jesse Mitchell was born March 26 at 4:16 am.  He weighed 7lbs. 14oz. and was 20 inches long!  The Lord has blessed us abundantly for sure!!

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